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Genesis 40

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Heavenly Father, we come before You in prayer, reflecting on the story of Joseph in this chapter. Just as Joseph was placed in prison, we may find ourselves in difficult circumstances and feeling alone. Yet, we are reminded that You are present with us in the midst of our suffering.

Lord, we thank You for the way You worked through Joseph and ultimately brought about his release and exaltation. We ask for Your guidance and strength as we navigate our own challenges, trusting that You are at work in our lives.

We pray for those who may feel forgotten or abandoned, that they would find comfort in knowing that You never leave us or forsake us. Help us to be a source of encouragement and hope to those around us who may be struggling.

May we remember that Your timing is perfect, and that You have a plan for each of us. Give us patience and a steadfast faith, knowing that You are working all things together for good.

We lift up our hearts in gratitude for Your constant love and provision. May we continue to trust in You, even in the midst of uncertainty. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.



A prayer based on