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Genesis 50

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Heavenly Father,

We come to You today with humble hearts, reflecting on the story of Joseph in this chapter. Just as Joseph forgave his brothers for their wrongs and trusted in Your providential plan, we too seek Your guidance and grace to forgive those who have wronged us.

We ask for the strength to let go of past hurts and resentments, and to trust in Your divine wisdom and purpose for our lives. Help us to follow Joseph’s example of choosing forgiveness and reconciliation, even in the face of betrayal and hardship.

May we be reminded of Your faithfulness and love, as we strive to live out the principles of forgiveness and reconciliation in our own lives. Grant us the courage to extend grace and mercy to those who have wronged us, and the wisdom to seek peace and unity in our relationships.

We thank You for the example of Joseph and for the promise of Your presence and guidance in our lives. In Jesus’ name, we pray.




A prayer based on